Sunday, January 11, 2009
Furry blue iPod case
On one of my all too infrequent trips to the gym, I pulled out the ratty little plastic baggie where I keep my iPod. "Well", I said to myself, " this just won't do, here I am the proud owner of Queen Bernina, the best darn sewing machine on the market and I don't have even have a proper case for my iPod"
So, that very night I perused my stockpile of odds and ends of scrap material, and what did I see, but this awesome electric blue furry fleece in just the right amount to house the iPod!
After sewing a few simple seams, I now have a very unique iPod case! It even has a separate compartment for keeping the charging cord, a little flap to keep everything inside and folds over for a tidy little package. As a bonus, I can locate it in the gym bag by feel.